The SVUSD Board of Trustees is dedicated to providing leadership and oversight to ensure the success and well-being of all students within the Sonoma Valley Unified School District. Here, you can find information about board members, meeting schedules, agendas, minutes, and key initiatives. Our goal is to foster a collaborative and transparent environment that supports educational excellence and community engagement.
Meeting Dates
SVUSD Board Meetings are generally scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of the month. Study sessions are also scheduled throughout the school year. Study sessions are intended to be deep discussions on a single topic. Study session topics are subject to change.
Closed Session begins at/around 4:30 pm. Open Session begins at/around 6:00 pm. All meetings will be located at the District Offices (17850 Railroad Avenue) unless otherwise noted on the Board Meeting Agenda. Zoom links to attend the meeting virtually will be posted to the district website on the morning of the meeting.
Virtual Access to Meetings
Zoom links to attend the meeting virtually will be posted on the morning of the meeting.
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Zoom Link: Feb 13th Zoom Link Webinar ID: 949 0471 2189 Phone: +1 669 900 9128 |
SVUSD Board Meetings are live-streamed via SonomaTV and recordings are posted on YouTube.
Trustee Office Hours 2024-2025:
The governing board of each school district is required to enforce rules consistent with the law and State Board of Education regulations. The Sonoma Valley Unified School District Policy Manual includes official policies and procedures adopted by the Governing Board, created in collaboration with the California School Boards Association (CSBA).
The Trustee Area Map, approved by the Board of Trustees on January 18, 2022, outlines the specific regions represented by each board member within the Sonoma Valley Unified School District. This map provides detailed boundaries and helps residents identify their respective trustee areas.
Access the latest agendas and minutes for the Board of Trustees of Sonoma Valley Unified School District. Stay informed about current board meetings, decisions, and discussions, now conveniently available online.
This archive contains the minutes and agendas for the Board of Trustees of Sonoma Valley Unified School District from 2014 to 2020. It provides detailed records of board meetings, decisions, and discussions during this period.
Under BB9323, the board recognizes the importance of public participation at board meetings, whether in-person or virtually. In accordance with Government Code Section 54953.3, members of the public may attend a board meeting in person or virtually and are not required to register their name or provide other information. Members of the public will be permitted to make public comments both in-person and via videoconference.
The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and will provide time for members of the public to address the Board concerning any item that has been described in the notice for the special meeting before or during consideration of that item consistent with Government Code section 54954.3, subdivision (a). Each speaker is requested to identify themselves prior to addressing the Board and to limit comments to three minutes.