Fee rates:

    Residential $5.17/sq.ft
    Commercial $0.84/sq.ft
    Self-Storage $0.13/sq.ft

    Updated 08/05/2024

    Please make Cashier's Checks out to: "Sonoma Valley Unified School District"

    Sonoma Valley Unified School District Office
    17850 Railroad Ave
    Sonoma, CA 95476

    8:00am - 4:30pm  Monday-Friday (Closed holidays)

    Gerardo Pinto Olivas
    (707) 935-4215


    What are school Developer Fees?

    • Effective January 1, 1987, Assembly Bill 2926, Section 17620 in the California Government Code, authorized school districts to levy school developer fees on new, remodels and additions for residential and commercial/industrial development projects.


    • The legislation provides that no Building Permit may be issued until the school districts certify that any fees due have been paid. Education Code § 17620(b)


    • School Developer Fees are a one-time fee that are not associated with and will not be added to your property taxes.


    Why are these fees necessary?

    • Additional development projects within the District, whether new residential, commercial/industrial construction, or reconstruction, will increase the need for reconstruction and upgrades of school facilities.


    • Without the addition of new school facilities and/or reconstruction of present school facilities, any further residential and/or commercial/industrial development projects within the District will result in a significant decrease in the quality of education presently offered by the District.


    • Substantial residential development and commercial/industrial development is projected within the district’s boundaries, and the enrollment it would produce will exceed the capacity of the schools within the District.  As a result, conditions of overcrowding will exist and will impair the normal functioning of the district's educational programs.


    What are the revenues collected for?

    • School Developer Fees can only be spent on capacity-enhancing capital facilities.

    How are fees calculated?

    • Fees are calculated based on new or added square footage from the outside wall dimensions of assessable space.

    What about ADU's?

    • Accessory Dwelling Units, ADU's, have no exemption from school impact fees. ADU's fall under the same regulations as new/addition/remodeling projects. Projects 500 sq ft total or less are exempt from fees; over 500 sq ft must pay impact fees on the entire project. 


    For more information:
    California Department Of Housing and Community Development - Accessory Dwelling Unit Handbook (July 2022), page 18.


    What if my plans change?

    • An increase to the original square footage previously submitted requires you to resubmit the School Impact Developer Fees Application. Only include the increased square footage as the square footage amount. Notate in the notes "SQFT increase from original plans."  


    • A decrease to the original square footage for fees that were previously paid will receive a refund for the difference. (Please allow 2 to 3 weeks)

    Are fees refundable?

    •  Yes.  All projects previously paid for, then canceled or abandoned, may, at any time, apply for a full refund. 


    • The District requires a letter from the Building Official specifically stating the reason for the cancelation and/or abandonment and the address of the project. (Please allow 2 to 3 weeks)


    How do I proceed, and where do I go?

    1. Go to your local agency building department (city or county), and start your building permit.
    2. The city/county building department will provide a current copy of the School Impact/Developer Fees form.
    3. The owner/developer will complete section 1 of the form, and the city/county building department will complete section 2.
    4. The owner/developer will bring a cashier's check, with the proper amount, to Sonoma Valley Unified School District 17850 Railroad Ave., Sonoma, CA 95476
    5. Sonoma Valley USD will complete section 3 of the form, collect payment, and issue a certificate of compliance, valid for one year.
    6. The owner/developer then returns the form to the city/county building department, and the building permit can be issued.


    Exclusions and Exemptions:

    • Covered but not enclosed space such as patios and walkways
    • Garages and Carports
    • Barns and Green Houses
    • Church or Temple Sanctuaries
    • Government Buildings
    • Private Schools
    • Senior Citizen Housing
    • Residential remodel/addition that is 500 sq ft or less in total  

            (Please include documentation of exempt / non-profit status with your application)

    For more information, please call Gerardo Pinto Olivas at 707-935-4215 or by email to gpintoolivas@sonomaschools.org.



    Developer Fees Application




    County of Sonoma

    City of Sonoma

    HCAI - California Department of Health Care Access and Information



    About Impact Fees: General FAQs