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Adele Harrison MS Student Bulletin, September 11, 2020 B Day

No birthdays today, but over the weekend Ellie M has a birthday


Attention Hornets! Leadership will be having our first Noontime activity TODAY!!! The activity is a Kahoot about Adele Harrison Trivia. We will be doing the Kahoot in Ms. Bellach’s Lunch Hangout from 12-12:30. We hope you can join us for this fun event!




Hornet Humor     Q.  What did one toilet say to the other?  

  1. You look a little flushed. (Sorry for the potty humor )


Submitted by Mr Topolinski       Got a joke to share?  Email them back to me at



That’s it for now…..and please remember to…

Be Safe                                                                                                                                                  

Be Kind and Respectful

Be Responsible

And be the best you can be

THE CHOICE IS YOURS   (oh, and wash your hands)