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Adele Harrison MS Student Bulletin, May 1, 2019 A Day

We’re back on our usual bell schedule now….for the rest of the testing process, you will be taking the tests in your regular classes.


TODAY,  May 1st its Open House time here at Adele Harrison….Your parents were emailed a flyer with all the details.  Come and show them all your classes, and then stay for the Dance and Band performances!  Hope to see you all!



Monday: practice 3:30-4:30

Wednesday: practice 2:45-3:45

Thursday: LEAGUE FINALS -  The track team will need to be dismissed from class at 2:15 for a 2:25 departure

For Parents: The semi Finals and Finals are at Petaluma High School

201 Fair Street- The track is at the back of the school- Meet starts at 3:30



The next round happens TODAY.