Graduate Profile
  • content knowledge and critical thinking

    Students possess knowledge and skills that are the central pillars of all learning and create a solid foundation that enables curiosity, inquiry, and exploration in a variety of fields and areas of interest. They have mastery of the core knowledge, critical thinking skills and competencies outlined in the Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and national or state standards in other core subjects, including Social Studies, World Languages and Career Technical Education, Content mastery in a range of academic areas, exposure to a variety of art forms, and active engagement in a broad range of co-curricular activities inspire our students to live lives of learning and purpose.

  • Career and Life Skills

    Students have the knowledge, skills and experiences to navigate the, "real world," and to solve problems that arise in everyday life and the workplace. Students are exposed to a range of post-high school opportunities. They express themselves clearly when speaking and in writing. They can create compelling content and express it in a variety of ways. Students know how to advocate for themselves and make informed choices. They respect the rights and opinions of others.

  • Local, GLobal and Digital Engagement

    Students are adept at navigating and engaging in a 21st Century global society that is inclusive and interconnected. They understand the privileges and responsibilities of democratic society. They seek to understand, empathize with and respect others. They are digitally literate and recognize how technology can support creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking across a variety of disciplines. They have the ability to discern the reliability, bias, authenticity and quality of web-based content. They are responsible digital citizens.

    Creativity, Collaboration, Problem Solving

    Students approach problems with creativity and persistence. They consider challenges from a range of perspectives and are comfortable working with others. They know solving problems requires trial and error, constructive feedback, and, sometimes, the patience to start over. They are comfortable with situations in which there are no, "right," answers. They are resilient and can think, "outside of the box."

    Sense of Purpose; Sense of Self

    Students exit our schools with a strong sense of self and confidence that they have a valuable role to play in the world. They are self-aware; they know how to reflect on and learn from their experiences. They seek wellness and balance in all aspects of their lives - intellectual, physical, social, and emotional. They appreciate the Sonoma Valley Community and expect to support their own communities in the future. They act ethically and with integrity, and they want to make a difference in the world.