• Procedures, Rules and Referrals

    We are emphasizing the “Be Safe, Respectful, Responsible and Include Everyone” mantra!

    We have divided behavior expectations into 3 categories: procedures, rules and referrals.

    1. Students need to be shown and expectations clearly communicated on the various procedures throughout the year and encouraged to “show me the right way” when procedures aren’t demonstrated correctly.
    2. Rules have logical consequences when not followed for safety reasons. These consequences include: removal from the game, bench time or in repeat offense issues, office time.
    3. Referrals are used in the following instances:
    • All Fighting
    • Weapon or Fireworks at School
    • Disrespectful Behavior towards Staff or Students
    • Defiance or Refusal to Cooperate
    • Verbal Threat
    • Sexual Harassment
    • Racial Discrimination
    • Stealing
    • Graffiti
    • Destroying School Property



    Be Safe, Respectful & Responsible

    • Stay out of classrooms when no adults are present. (Doors will be locked when no adult is present.)
    • Keep hands, feet and food to yourself so you don’t cause harm to others.
    • Sticks, rocks, and bark stay on the ground.
    • Do not jump off high places, like from the top of the Big Toy or Little Toy and do not stand on top of the bars.
    • Treat everyone with respect.




    1) Use a quiet voice in the bathroom. Wash your hands and clean up after yourself. Take care of “business” quickly.

    2) Stay behind red lines and out of red half circles in doorway openings.

    3) Adult permission is needed to cross a red line, unless the teacher’s door is open.

    4) Walk in the hallway with a partner and use a quiet voice.


    1) Use an inside voice in the cafeteria.

    2) Stop and listen, when you see the quiet signal or hear the chime.

    3) Raise hand for help, to ask a question, or to use the restroom.

    4) Eat with polite manners at the table and remove hat (when inside).

    5) Clean eating area before leaving table.


    1) Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

    2) Keep games open. Everyone may join.

    3) Go one at a time and one direction when climbing, swinging or sliding. Keep legs to yourself when hanging on the bars.

    4) Line up when the whistle blows.

    5) Share equipment.

    6) Ask permission before visiting the office, nurse, or the library.

    7) Eat food at the picnic tables.

    8) Stay in the play area boundaries (btwn rms 43-44 and baseball diamond) and do not play in the hallway.

    9) Return equipment, but do not interrupt classrooms for balls.

    10) Wait your turn at the water fountain for 5 water seconds (“1 water, 2 water…”).

    11) Clean up after yourself and help keep El Verano clean.



    • Kickball and soccer ball may be played on the field only. Do not kick them on the blacktop.
    • K-3 can play on kickball on black top (in bad weather) if it is with a foam ball only.
    • 4-5 plays kickball on field only.
    • Rubber bouncy balls are for bouncing only.
    • Stay out of the tetherball court while waiting your turn.
    • Balls need to be kept out of the Big Toy & Little Toy area.


    • Only swing back and forth, and stop the swing before exiting. Let the swinger know you are waiting your turn by singing the “ABC” song 3 times, while waiting on the curb.
    • No pushing. Students should stay on bark.


    • Maximum of 2 students allowed on helicopter bars if K-3. 4th/5th grade only one at a time.
    • Start with the first set of bars. (Don’t try to skip the first bars and jump to the second.)


    • Tag with a one-finger touch and “tag-backs” are not allowed.
    • Tag is not allowed on Kinder playground.


    • Use the basketball courts in the corner of the blacktop as the dodge ball court.
    • Stay out of the “buffer zone” in-between the two courts.
    • Ball may not be thrown in the face and needs to be dropped if holding the ball for more than 5 seconds.
    • If you catch the ball, the thrower is out. If you get “tagged” by the ball, you’re out.
    • If you’re out, you will be allowed back in, after a teammate catches a throw.