
    Multiage is more than a mixed age class, it is a projects based holistic instructional strategy. At Adele, our multiage program consists of three teachers and approximately ninety students divided into three classes. Each class meets daily to learn the standards-based curriculum in Science and/or Social Studies. Multiage class rosters are shuffled every 15 weeks to ensure a variety of peer interactions. The Multiage class and home assignment structure is project-based.

    The multi-age curriculum companion projects cultivate inspiration, critical thinking and build skills as students work in groups and independently. Students illustrate their knowledge in a variety of formats such as power point presentations, brochures, movies, mobiles, cartoons, posters and more. Students share their knowledge by presenting to their peers in class, and optionally to an audience of parents and students at a Projects Presentation Night, which occurs at the end of every 5-week rotation. Learning curriculum through hands-on activities develops students' in-depth subject comprehension as well as critical time management skills that prepare students for high school.

    Adele multiage classrooms foster collaboration and promote high achievement for all students. And because only the eighth grade group of students exit every year, a legacy of high achievement becomes the culture, handed down from grade to grade.

    Multiage classrooms also smooth the transition from middle to high school. Students are not afraid of their future; they are ready to embrace high school and are greeted with the familiar faces of former Multiage compatriots their freshman year.

    Multiage classes apply to only two subjects: Science and Social Science.  These subjects are well suited to the multiage format as course content is ideal for hands-on assignments and can be studied in any order. Language Arts and Math classes are not part of the multiage program courses.

    Note: Parents should consider the multiage projects program in the context of their own student's educational needs and learning style to determine if it is a match. Students or their families must formally request the Multiage Program. Download the form at the link below and follow the instructions to apply. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available spaces, there will be a lottery to determine placement in the program.