The SNAC committee needs you

SVUSD community members, are you passionate about our students' wellness and health? 

If the answer is yes, come join the SNAC team. The SNAC( Sonoma Nutrition and Physical Activity Advisory Council) is looking for a diverse group of people who have a commitment to the wellbeing of our student body, and are willing to help continue and expand upon our local school wellness program. We are looking for students, food service workers, teachers, administrators, nutritionists, healthcare professionals, physical education teachers, parents, and anyone in the community who are able to commit some time to this important program. 

Our primary mission goals are,

Encouraging nutrition and healthy lifestyle education

Hands on garden experiences

Education about and encouragement of physical activities

Constantly improving the nutritional quality of food served on district property

Encouraging students to make consciously healthful choices about the food they eat.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the SNAC committee, please take a moment to fill out this form

We really appreciate your involvement in such an important program and look forward to meeting you.